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Cement is a finely ground mineral powder mainly composed by clinker and gypsum. A homogenous mass called concrete is generated as a result of mixing water, sand and gravel with cement.

Cement is actively used in various construction projects such as: Roads, bridges, hydrotechnical facilities, residential and commercial buildings. Due to its characteristics, cement is a necessary component for creation of foundations, columns and other structural elements.

Based on its intended use, there are various types of cement that have different compositions; the cement’s characteristics may be altered with admixtures. Hunnewell Cement offers a diverse choice: cement with both standard and custom characteristics.


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Bulk cement

CEM I 52.5R Portland cement is for general building purpose and is used for manufacturing composite, monolithic constructions and structures made of high class C35/45-C60/75 concretes and reinforced concretes.

Area of usage of CEM I 52.5R cement type can be the following:

Hydro technical and sea structures built in accordance with the modern technologies

  • Bridges and highways
  • High-rise buildings and skyscrapers
  • Protective and bounding constructions for embarkments
  • tunnels and underground railroads
  • Airstrips

CEM I 42.5R Portland cement is for general building purpose and is used for manufacturing composite, monolithic constructions and structures made of high class C25/30-C45/55  concretes and reinforced concretes.

Area of usage of CEM I 42.5R cement type can be the following:

Hydro technical and sea structures built in accordance with the modern technologies

  • Bridges and highways
  • High-rise buildings and skyscrapers
  • Protective and bounding constructions for embarkments
  • tunnels and underground railroads
  • Airstrips

Sulfate resistant cement is an exceptional product with the following characteristics:

  • Intensified resistance to sulfate-containing mineral waters
  • Less heat of hydration
  • Prolonged strength development
  • High frost resistance

Sulfate resistant cement is intended for hydro technical, underground and sea buildings. The product is used for manufacturing concretes with the following special compliance requisites:
Resistance to sulfate corrosions

Resistance to sulfate corrosions, when constant freezing – defrosting or drying up – dumping takes place simultaneously.

Sulfate corrosion of concrete occurs as a result of the influence of natural sulfur-containing waters. After penetrating into concrete (if C2O excess is found), sulfur-containing sulfate water generates cement “Bacillus” (ettringite), which expands and activates internal pressure and tension in the concrete mass and accordingly, deformation, fracture and destruction of concrete.

CEM II A-L 42.5R Portland Limestone Cement is for general building purpose and is used for manufacturing composite, monolithic constructions and structures made of high class  C20/25-C45/55  concretes and reinforced concretes.

Area of usage of CEM I 42.5R cement type can be the following:

Hydro technical and sea structures built in accordance with the modern technologies

  • Bridges and highways
  • High-rise buildings and skyscrapers
  • Protective and bounding constructions for embarkments
  • tunnels and underground railroads
  • Airstrips
  • Building mortars, screed and other internal construction works.

Blastfurnace cement produced with granulated blastfurnace slag is suitable for use as an alternative to sulfate-resisting portland cement in most aggressive ground conditions.

Concrete made on the basis of this cement has following advantages:

  • Lower Alkali content
  • Resistance against sulfate attack
  • Reduced permeability
  • Reduced risk of thermal cracking
  • Lower Heat of Hydration
  • Good strength development

CEM II 32.5 Portland cement is manufactured with ecologically pure, active mineral natural pozzolanas, which improves physical-mechanical properties of cement and concrete.

CEM II 32.5 Portland cement is a widespread product and has extensive usage.

Cement type CEM II 32.5 is used for manufacturing C8/10-C25/30 class concretes, ferroconcrete, their composite and monolithic constructions such as:

  • Building mortars
  • Road-building constructions
  • Average height buildings
  • Protective and bounding constructions for sea and river embarkments
  • Dams and canals
  • Waste depots

HRB manufactured in factory-controlled conditions, are suitable for stabilizing the subsoil, embankments, as well as the lower and upper supporting layer in the construction of pavements structures; Used to treat a wide range of substrates and materials, such as stone aggregate, gravel, sang, clay etc.

Bag Cement

CEM II A-L 42.5R Portland Limestone Cement is for general building purpose and is used for manufacturing composite, monolithic constructions and structures made of high class  C20/25-C45/55  concretes and reinforced concretes.

Area of usage of CEM I 42.5R cement type can be the following:

Hydro technical and sea structures built in accordance with the modern technologies

  • Bridges and highways
  • High-rise buildings and skyscrapers
  • Protective and bounding constructions for embarkments
  • tunnels and underground railroads
  • Airstrips
  • Building mortars, screed and other internal construction works.

CEM II 32.5 Portland cement is manufactured with ecologically pure, active mineral natural pozzolanas, which improves physical-mechanical properties of cement and concrete.

CEM II 32.5 Portland cement is a widespread product and has extensive usage.

Cement type CEM II 32.5 is used for manufacturing C8/10-C25/30 class concretes, ferroconcrete, their composite and monolithic constructions such as:

  • Building mortars
  • Road-building constructions
  • Average height buildings
  • Protective and bounding constructions for sea and river embarkments
  • Dams and canals
  • Waste depots

hunnewellCement is also offering to consumers a new product MC 22.5 X, which is specially designed and manufactured to produce masonry mortar for the following use:

  • Bricks and blocks
  • Stone masonry construction
  • Stucco production

Locations of Cement Plants

Kaspi Cement Plant
2, Parnavazi Street.
Rustavi Cement Plant
70, Mshenebelta Street 3700 Rustavi
Poti Cement Plant
Poti, Larnaka Street